ممثل البنك الأوروبي للاستثمار يشيد بالتقدم الملحوظ للمغرب تحت قيادة جلالة الملك
American Special Forces commandos, supported by on-the-ground intelligence and logistics provided by the CIA, captured Ahmed Abu Khattala, suspected of being involved in the attack against the American Consulate inBenghaziduring which the American Ambassador was killed.
This qualitative operation was carried out by Units of the American Special Forces on the Libyan territory, the country that the Colonel left independent, with a green book and flag, popular congresses and an arsenal of destructive and non-destructive weapons.
The American President seemed proud of the victory that the American Special Forces achieved; they realised his dream, an that of his administration, to bring to book the assassins of the American diplomat.
Americais very happy with this victory and the American press even considered the capture a victory for the American President that would raise his approval rating with the American public opinion.
Americais not in a state of war withLibya, yet the suspect Ahmed was captured on the Libyan territory. The American Embassy didn’t take the trouble of contacting the residues of the Libyan authority to inform them of the operation at least after its success.
The Libyan government, including the part residing inBenghaziand the one in the hotels ofTripoli, heard of this, like everybody else, on the news. All they could do was to condemn the attack against the Libyan sovereignty and request, from the American authorities, the right to trial Ahmed Abu Khattala within its territories.
Ahmed Abu Khattala is supposed to be prosecuted in front of the American justice as was the case with Abu Anas Al Libi whose “place of custody” remains unknown to the American, the Libyan and every other public opinion. Neither “Amnesty International” nor “Human Rights Watch” issued a statement mentioning his detention facility, his attorney or family visiting him or his mental and physical health status as stipulated by International Human Rights organisations.
No one talked, no one acted; not Al Jazeera or any other channel. Everybody was quiet and tomorrow the US State Department will issue a report talking about detainees’ rights all over the world expect on the American soil because nobody gradesAmerica’s Human Rights record.
The American press, especially the Moroccan journalist Aida Alami, a friend of M. Hicham’s friend, who, as a reporter for “The New York Times”, was supposed to write about the violation of a sovereign country, even on paper, and the capture of one of its citizen and his transfer to a place where he will be facing a fair trial even if it takes 10 years of custody. This journalist didn’t write and I am telling you that she won’t. The International Federation in charge of defending human beings regardless of their colour, sex and nationality will not talk and won’t issue a statement.
Khadija Riyadi will not speak and won’t issue any statement because everyone inAmericacondemns terrorism and does not discuss the details of the special operations carried out byAmericato protect its national security. People love their countries, side with them and defend them. Obama’s approval rating increased, according to “The New York Times”, and the Democrats are thrilled with this victory because it will boost Hilary Clinton’s chances to leadAmerica.
People love their countries and defend their interests. Only those who are plaguing this country underestimate men’s sacrifices for their sake and that of this country. Every time, they come out to the public opinion with attitudes against the country and its interests, making a mockery of the future of the nation as they do with our southern provinces. We wish their hatred was triggered by real facts; it’s rather based on fabricated events, in most cases, as it happened with Oussama Hassan, Abdelali Jouat and Wafae Cherraf. These events are fabricated with every visit by a foreign Human Rights delegation.
Khadija Riyadi who believes in Human Rights in its universal concept didn’t move for the sovereignty ofLibya, it’s an insignificant issue for her. Ahmed Elhayej hasn’t probably heard the new yet, and even if it did reach him, he won’t move. Their friend, the king of clamour, the Human Rights activist Abdelhamid Amine, won’t organize a sit-in in front of the US Embassy, not because he lovesAmericabut because he loves onlyMorocco, as forAmerica, it accommodates his beloved ones.
I loveAmericaand the American President and I highly appreciate the American Special Forces who managed to avenge their citizen who was a victim of blind terrorism. Yet, I love the American people more for interacting with the success of their country in capturing Abu Anas Al Libi and Abu Khattala Al Libi. I love the American press that turned a blind eye to the fact thatLibyais an independent country, even on paper, and defended its President’s decision to send American forces to a foreign country to carry out a national mission.Americahas the right to defend its national security and its interests and the American people have every right to honour their heroes who carried out the special operation. I highly appreciate their faith in their country. When shots are fired to defend the interests of their country, they applaud their victories and defend their interests, even in the absence of Rights, in their international concept. That is why we will not hear any statement from “Amnesty”, “Human Rights Watch” or any other organisation that grade countries on Human Rights. For them, Human Rights are a mechanism of extending leverage and protecting the interests of the countries funding their activities.
In our country, the unity and stabilisation of Morocco is the last worry of our Human Rights activists, if it’s not the opposite as is the case with the “Democratic Way” Association for Human Rights which acts before the polisario and whose history proves that it has always been against Morocco and its motto. It is against God, against the Homeland and against the King.
It is against God, and this is something that we need not detail so as not to be accused of being against personal freedoms and freedom of belief. It is against the Homeland because of its hostility towards the country’s territorial integrity. It is against the King because of its hostility towards the King and adoption of a regime other than the Monarchical one.
Does anyone expect “the Way” to use its political and Human Rights arms to defendMorocco, its interests and future?
Americahas the right to rejoice with its government, people, army, Special Forces, intelligence community, journalists, media and Human Rights associations. They, at least, loveAmericaand defend its interests. They have every right to rejoice with the silence of Human Rights activists, the UN and its fourth, tenth and eleventh special committees, the Security Council, the blue, the red and the green berets, Ban Ki Moon and with every peace and UN envoy.
Let’s count the days until Abu Khattala Al Libi, and Abu Anas Al Libi before him, be prosecuted in front of a judge. At that time, we will find out if “Amnesty”, “Human Rights Watch” and the “International Federation for Human Rights” will send observers or attorneys to follow the prosecution of terrorists who have the right to a fair trial.