أكدت الممثلة السامية للاتحاد الأوروبي المكلفة بالشؤون الخارجية وسياسة الأمن فيديريكا موغيريني أن المغرب العربي يوجد ضمن المناطق الأقل اندماجا في العالم، بسبب النزاعات المستمرة وعدم الاستقرار الذي يسود هذه المنطقة. وأوضحت موغيريني في
حذرت دراسة طبية أمريكية حديثة من أن الإكثار من تناول السكر يساهم في تطور بعض أنواع السرطان في الجسم. وخلص علماء من جامعة "تكساس" الأمريكية إلى أن وجود السكريات في الجسم يساهم أحيانا بنمو
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer